Pahrump Valley Rec League - FAQ
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Registration Questions:
Q: How do I register my child?
     A: Please click on the 'Register Now' link. It will take you directly to open registrations.

Q: What is included in the Registration fee?

     A: The registration fee includes:
    • Player Jersey
    • Player Hat
    • Fees paid to the county for use of field time.
    • Insurance required by the county for use of the fields.
    • An amazing experience of fun, skills, and team building with our great group of coaches!

Q: Do you offer refunds?
     A: All refunds must be in writing. Once a players uniform is ordered, no refunds will be given.
Game Play Questions

Q: What is an uncaught third strike?
A: A batter transitions into a runner after the umpire calls the third strike or if the batter swings and misses a pitch that is not caught by the catcher. The batter only becomes eligible as a runner if first base is unoccupied or first base is occupied with two outs. The batter or first base must be tagged by the defensive team for the batter to be considered out.

Q: During a play at home plate; does the runner have to avoid the catcher?

A: A play at home plate is no different than a play at any other base. To ensure the safety of both the runner and the defensive player, a player must slide or attempt to avoid the defensive player.

Q: When does the Infield Fly Rule apply?

  1. There must be less than 2 outs.
  2. There must be runners on first and second OR first, second, and third base.
  3. The fly ball cannot be a bunt or a line drive.
  4. An infielder must be able to catch the ball with ordinary effort.

Q: What is the purpose of the Infield Fly Rule?
A: The purpose of the rule is to protect the runners on base. The batter is ruled out so the runners are no longer forced to advance if the ball falls untouched. Without this rule, the defense could allow the ball to fall untouched to the ground and turn an easy double-play because the runners must tag up for the fly ball.